December 2, 2024 City Council Meeting Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Jimmy Wilkins brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore St. Lecompton, KS. Council Members Troy Clark, Mary Jane Hoffer and Stephanie Confer were present at roll call. Council Members Steve Freeman and Owen Mallonee were absent. Assistant City Attorney Jeff Heiman, City Superintendent Ryan Davis and City Clerk Lynley Sanford were also present. Residents or township members present included Elsie Middleton, Jack Oglesby, Norraine Wingfield, Paul Bahnmaier, Deb Powell, Greg Howard, Mark Kasson, Jeff Goodrick and Elaine Boose. Rural Water District #3 operator Shad Howbert was also present.

Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve the meeting minutes from November 18th, 2024. Troy Clark seconded the motion.
Motion passed 3 yeas, 0 nays

Troy Clark motioned to approve the bills before the council. Stephanie Confer seconded the motion
Motion passed 3 yeas, 0 nays

Paul Bahnmaier and representatives from the Lecompton Historical Society provided a conceptual museum addition/expansion which includes 3 levels, a modern look, and a covered walk way.
The Council appreciated a look at the concept.

Jeff Heiman
– Property complaint letter for fifth street property was picked up on 11/20: they had 5 days to call for a hearing and 10 days to cut the weeds. That time has expired. Council recommended checking the property for compliance and before taking further action.

Ryan Davis –
– Updates: Chemicals pumps specifically chlorine pump has been acting up. Issues with low residual. New pumps are coming.

Lynley –
– Alley obstruction letter was sent. Received an email from complainant that equipment hadn’t been moved yet. Later today Mr. Paslay called and said he would try to move the equipment over by Wednesday this week.
– CCMFOA renewal – consensus of the city council was to proceed with renewal.

Old Business

– USD 343 Ball Field/Old Gymnasium: Jimmy corresponded with School Superintendent Josh Woodward via email regarding questions from the previous council meeting.
Q.)Were there bids gathered for the old gymnasium to be demolished. A.) No official bids had been quoted. We had a construction engineer to do a quick walk through and off the cuff said $30-$50k to tear down.
Another guy had walked through and didn’t see any asbestos.
Q.) Has the school district obtained any bids for repairs as part of the bond that was passed? A. Not really, the unofficial quote for the roof was $125-$150k, no bids for plumbing or HVAC.
Q.) The school district said they still need to use the gym, what does that schedule look like? A.) 3-4 times per week through basketball season and through kid ball season.
Q.) What is the actual cost of utilities, we have heard horror stories of it costing $10k to heat in the winter. Actual 2 year average, December –February cost was between $800-$1100 per month
Q.) Did the bond issue cover demolition of the old gymnasium? A.) No, the bond never covered demolition of the old gymnasium. That comment was made as a possibility of use of the funds.
The council discussed and would like actual bids on demolition versus fixing it up. Also the City Council would like to get an idea of what the majority of residents/township members would like to do with the space if we were to take possession.

New Business:
– Shad Howbert with RWD #3 was present to talk to the council about purchasing water and amending the current agreement. The City Council is open to discuss monthly bulk purchasing of water. The council requested a quote on what 100,000 gal and 200,000 gal of water would look like cost wise. Also if RWD #3 would be interested in doing some cost sharing in updating and making some repairs to the RWD #3 connection. Shad indicated that was something they could absolutely talk about. No action was taken tonight.
– Lawrence Douglas County MPO policy board, 2025 is Lecompton’s voting year. Owen Mallonee is our current representative. Would Owen like to continue as the representative or would someone else like too? Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of the month at 3pm. It is likely that Owen will be working at that time. Mary Jane Hoffer volunteered to be the Citys representative.
– Building permit 24-318 for Lisa and James Woodson. This is for an accessory structure at 335 E Fifth. The City Council reviewed the plans. Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve building permit 24-318. Troy Clark seconded the motion. Motion passed 3 yeas, 0 nays.

Reminders –
– City Santa event/park lights/side by side parade Saturday December 7th at 6p
– Vespers is Sunday December 8th at 2p at Territorial Capital Museum/Lane University.

7:47pm – Troy Clark motioned to adjourn. Stephanie Confer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 3 yeas, 0 nays.

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk