7:00 P.M. Mayor Jimmy Wilkins brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore St. Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Stephanie Confer, Mary Jane Hoffer, Matt Roberts were present at roll call. Owen Mallonee was absent at roll call, but arrived at 7:01pm. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford and City Superintendent Rance Roberts. Residents or township members in attendance included Greg Howard. Meeting was streamed on Facebook live.
Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve the meeting minutes for the April 5, 2021. Matt Roberts seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays
Stephanie Confer motioned to approve the bills before the council, Matt Roberts seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays
Greg Howard – updated the City council on things happening with the Lecompton Community Pride committee. Lecompton will be featured on the Fox 4 zip trip on June 4th. The terrazzo floor was finished/polished. The east entrance floor was epoxy covered. Funds for both those projects were generated through DCCF. Pride is still mostly shut down because of COVID. The painting classes are thinking about restarting. Rick Wright, the artist working on the wall mural, will be starting this weekend 4/24. The dedication of the mural will happen at Territoiral Day on June 12th. Pride would like the Mayor to speak at the dedication. The mural project is funded within the final $1000.00.
Tim McNish motioned to donate $1000.00 to the Lecompton Community Pride to fully fund the Mural project. Owen Mallonee seconded the motion. Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Rance Roberts
– Update, the new metal maintenance building is supposed to drop on Friday 4/23, but will not drop until 4/30.
– The council reviewed the amount of built up comp time hours that Rance has earned. Balance at 179.25. Stephanie Confer motioned to pay 100 hours out of Rance’s comp time. Owen Mallonee seconded the motion. Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Lynley Sanford
– Leash law signs for Frisbee golf area have been received, also dog waste signs have been purchased. Maybe include a jug with dog waste bags for self-cleanup throughout park. Worth noting that Brenda Hastert mentioned Trevor is installing trash cans and will maintenance them.
Old Business
– Water plant HVAC update – still waiting on bid to base future bids off of.
7:30 pm Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel. Matt Roberts seconded the motion
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays
7:40 pm Mayor Jimmy Wilkins brought the City Council meeting back into open session.
– Council discussed how they would like to continue advertising for the part time City superintendent position, what should be included in the advertisement and salary range.
New Business –
– Just as a heads up, there was a situation where a homeless person was found sleeping in the Post Office. Mayor Wilkins was notified at 6am, he took the individual Gatorade and granola bars. The person was on their way to Nortonville, but did not make it. The individual said they would move on. It was noted that the individual was seen later that morning heading south towards Lawrence.
– Complaint was received at city hall regarding the property at 520 E. 3rd St. The roof had blown off, and possibly the small addition had fallen off the side of the house and then was reset back on. The council asked that a in kind letter be sent to the property owner regarding the roof on the addition and ensuring it is secured.
– No new changes in COVID regulations at this time.
– COVID relief update: Brooke Sauer with Douglas County contacted Mayor Wilkins. Lecompton with the other city’s within Douglas County are going to receive COVID relief funding. The approximate amount to be awarded to Lecompton is roughly $91,000. There are restrictions on how the funds can be spent. They must utilized accordingly.
• Response to public health emergency
• Additional help with pay
• Replace revenue that was lost ( lost revenue from closing community building for rentals)
• To make necessary improvements (camera sewer/water lines)
There is an upcoming zoom meeting that both Mayor Wilkins and City Clerk Sanford will attend.
7:51PM – Matt Roberts motioned to adjourn. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yays, 0 nays
Lynley Sanford, City Clerk