City of Lecompton City Council Meeting Minutes May 17, 2021


7:00 P.M. Mayor Jimmy Wilkins brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore St. Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Mary Jane Hoffer, and Matt Roberts were present at roll call. Owen Mallonee and Stephanie Confer were absent. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Rance Roberts. Residents or township members in attendance included Ashley Bryers, Beverly Warrn and Susan Wood attended online. The meeting was also live streamed on Facebook.

Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve the meeting minutes for the May 3, 2021. Matt Roberts seconded the motion.
Motion passed 3 yeas, 0 nays

Tim McNish motioned to approve the bills before the council, Matt Roberts seconded the motion.
Motion passed 3 yeas, 0 nays

7:04pm Councilman Owen Mallonee entered the meeting.

Beverly Warren with the Perry-Lecompton Community Library approached the City Council with updates regarding the library, the new location, and re-opening post COVID19 process. Beverly was asked the council if they would donate $500 in support for the library for operating expenses.
Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve a donation of $500 for the Perry Lecompton Community Library. Matt Roberts seconded the motion. Motion passed 4 yeas/ 0 nays

Ashley Byers with Douglas County MPO provided the Lecompton City Council with updates regarding the transportation plan for T2040 and what transportation improvements have been made. Next year they will start planning for 2050

Rance Roberts
– Update: Maintenance building is up – waiting for concrete, gutters and large overhead doors.
– Streets have been patched – a few spots were missed, but they will get done before chip n’ seal.
– Rance completed install of water hydrant at lane university/territorial capital museum
– Lights on East side of Pride (2nd floor fire escape and 1st level entry door) have been out. Maybe bad lightbulbs, but please look into repairing.
– Community building larger restroom had leaking roof – think it was coming in through electrical/gas port. The tar was dry and cracked. Re-sealed and seemed to stop leaking.

Lynley Sanford
– 339 Halderman – City attorney indicated property was in the foreclosure process. No contact has been made to Greg Trendel, property owner
– 520 E. 3rd, letter sent to property owner David Burbank regarding the roof on the small addition being caved in. The roof needs to be repaired. No response.
– 421 Elmore – sent letter concerned there are individuals living in a camper. No response.
– 449 Boone – sent letter concerned there are individuals living in a converted school bus. The brother who is updating the property contacted City Hall explaining he is updating/repairing the property to prepare it for sale. The people in the bus are helping, they usually live at a campground at Clinton Lake. He said they would be working on the project for 5 weeks, and then be done. Council discussed, felt that City Attorney Jeff Heiman should be consulted. Council does not want the bus to stay as any type of permanent living situation. Maybe a letter sent to vacated in 30 days.
– Salt Bid from County Tabulation. Approved to go with Hutchinson Salt.
Matt Roberts motioned to approve the bid, Owen Mallonee seconded the motion.
Motion passed – 4 yay, 0 nay
– KDHE – Updated from Lagoon inspection. City Council reviewed the report from Helen Holm. City Council would like to have aerators rebuilt and put back into service.
Old Business
– Mural is done – signed prints are available –dedication will be on June 12th at noon.
– Council reviewed the easement for the Fergus property. Consensus of the Council was to proceed with signatures.

New Business
– Mayor Jimmy Wilkins suggested we get carpets cleaned in City Hall. The stain where the water level was is too obvious.
– City Council discussed water and waste water new connection fees in relation to new service taps. The City Council would like to see the water connection fee set at $7500.00 plus materials and labor and sewer connection fee of $2500 plus material and labor. If new ordinances could be drafted for approval.
– ARPA – American Rescue Plan Act – federal act providing governments with funds to help with improvement and lost revenue in relation to the COVID 19 pandemic. Ideas were presented regarding infrastructure improvements and areas that would be best suited for spending the allotment. More discussion will follow in the future.
– City council discussed the continuation of live streaming City Council Meetings. The general consensus of the City Council was to discontinue live streaming.
In regards to the mask mandate the council considered discontinuing the mask requirement.
Matt Roberts motioned to follow what the decision of the Douglas County Health Dept. decides on Wednesday May 19th 2021. Owen Mallonee seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

8:17PM – Matt Roberts motioned to adjourn. Mary Jane seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yays, 0 nays

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk