7:00 P.M. Mayor Sandy Jacquot brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Mary Jane Hoffer, Jimmy Wilkins and Elsie Middleton were present at roll call. Council member Susie Hackathorn was absent. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Rance Roberts. Residents or township citizens present: Lori Wilkins, Dan Ginavan, Jeff Heiman, Kathy Paslay, Paul Bahnmaier and Bryan Holmes.
Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve the April 15, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion. Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Tim McNish motioned to approve the bills before the council. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion. Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Mayor Sandy Jacquot appointed the following:
City Clerk – Lynley Sanford
Treasurer – Tabetha Mallonee
Elsie Middleton motioned to approve the appointments for the City Clerk and City Treasurer positions. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion. Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays
Mayor Sandy Jacquot appointed the following:
Fire Board Rep – Tim McNish
Jimmy Wilkins motioned to approve the appointment for the City’s fireboard representative. Elsie seconded the motion. Motion carries 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Mayor Sandy Jacquot appointed the following:
City Attorney – Jeff Heiman with Stevens & Brand law offices. A fee arrangement of $150.00/hr. and no charges for mileage or for attending City meetings.
Jimmy Wilkins requested to go on record as saying: “The City Attorney position is an important enough position that I wish we would have been able to do interviews or at least review credentials for whom ever we were considering. I mean we accepted applications and performed interviews for our part time city help. Change is good and sometimes things get stagnate, I just wish it would have been brought to the council before it was brought to this meeting. “
Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve the appointment for City Attorney. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion. Motion carries 4 yays, 0 nays
It was agreed that City Attorney Jeff Heiman would continue to come to the first meeting of the month until further notice.
Dan Ginavan with LightLyre Films– Film contract – Has liability insurance coverage and is ready to start preparing the building for filming.
Jimmy Wilkins motioned to accept the film contract and addendums, Tim McNish seconded the motion. Motion carries 4 yays, 0 nays.
Kathy Paslay – requested permission to speak with AG Insurance about special event insurance for the haunted high school event in October. The Lecompton City Council agreed they are okay with Kathy looking into it.
Paul Bahnmaier – Regarding the Post Office and FOIA – requested the City file an appeals letter because of portions of information that were denied being revealed. In addition to the appeals letter, Paul requested that the City ask for certain information regarding the City of Perry post office.
Mayor Sandy Jacquot and City Clerk Lynley Sanford will work on this.
PRIDE A/C bids –
Elsie Middleton motioned to approve the Scott bid with the caveat that the bid includes upgrades to the electrical system. Jimmy seconded the motion. Motion carries 4 yays, 0 nays.
Elsie Middleton presented a question regarding payment to RWD #3 – It was discussed, the City only pays for actual water used and RWD #3 is not contracted to hold any certain amount of water specifically for the City of Lecompton.
Rance Roberts –
– Spending Authority – to be discussed further –Jimmy Wilkins indicated it should at least be $1000.00/month
– Boiler – leave alone until Sept. then have it checked out by a technician before restarting
– Health Insurance – employee/child coverage – Jimmy Wilkins motioned to approve the City of Lecompton to pay for health/dental benefits covering employee/child for Rance Roberts. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion. Motion carries 4 yays, 0 nays.
– Council agreed Rance Roberts could drive the City truck home and to and from work. The City is allowing the superintendent to drive the city truck home because the city is short on safe and adequate parking for the truck and Rance has a safe place to park it
Old Business:
New Business
– Council agreed F/T employees could obtain City I.D cards
– City Clerk is to look into purchasing cards
– Council discussed and understands the current need for increase p/t help hours.
– City Clerk will contact SM Ball to get opinion on trash service location for Jamin Nally’s bakery
– Ed Smith – Building permit extension request. Elsie Middleton motioned for a 1 time extension for either the maximum time allotted by code or for 90 days. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion. Motion carries 4 yays, 0 nays
– Pot holes on S. Whitfield in front of Doug Wingfields house were noted and are on the list to be repaired.
9:02 PM – Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to adjourn. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion.
Vote carried 4 yays, 0 nays
Lynley Sanford
City Clerk