7:00 P.M. Mayor Mark L. Tunstall brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Mary Jane Hoffer, Jimmy Wilkins, Susie Hackathorn and Elsie Middleton were present. Council Member Tim McNish was absent. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle, City Accountant Jim Long; residents or township citizens: Lori Wilkins, William Smith, Doug Porter, Roy Paslay, Kathy Paslay, Lana Keever, Nancy Ketter and John Hackathorn.
Jimmy Wilkins motioned to approve the June 18, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motioned. Vote carried 4 yays, 0 nays
Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve the bills before the council. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion. Vote carried 4yays, 0 nays
At 7:05PM Mayor Mark L. Tunstall closed the regular City Council meeting, and opened the Final Public Hearing regarding the Whitfield Street Grant. Governmental Assistant Agent Donna Crawford presented a review of the street project including the improvements made and amount of money spent and saved. Public comment was heard and City Council comments were heard. The Lecompton City Council granted approval for the final paper work to be signed and sent to the Kansas Department of Commerce.
At 7:13 Mayor Mark L. Tunstall reopened the City Council meeting.
Jim Long – City Accountant presented the 2013 proposed budget for the City of Lecompton. City Council decided to review and decide on any changes to the budget at the July 16th City Council meeting.
South Crest Property – Superintendent Justin VanWinkle described details of the condition of the property and updated the City Council of the bank 1st Federal and Loan being the actual owners of the property. Also, that City Attorney Lee Hendricks has been given the contact information and is in the process of contacting the bank so action can be taken to clean up the property.
Lana Keever – Property Manager at the Mobile Lodge Community requested the City Council review and possibly change the way the Mobile Lodge is charged for sewer rates. City Council would like to consult City Attorney Lee Hendricks about the situation and see if there is a way to get around the current situation.
Susie Hackathorn – concerned about bag worms in the trees at the park – requested resident Jeff Lohrding be contacted to chemically treat for the pests. Elsie Middleton also mentioned bag worms in the trees at the former high-school. The City Council asked Justin to contact Jeff Lohrding and have him spray for the pests in both locations.
Elsie Middleton brought forward information regarding the Department of Agriculture looking for new property space. Per discussion, it was decided that the City should offer the Department of Agriculture a proposal, but under the same stipulations as the last occupants, in which the building is lease purchased with a reversionary clause. Also, the Council requested that City Attorney Lee Hendricks suggest appropriate language for the proposed lease agreement. The PRIDE committee will be working on this project.
Elsie Middleton also expressed concern about the smaller trees at the former high-school may be in need of watering since we haven’t had much moisture this year. City Council asked Superintendent Justin VanWinkle to start watering the trees at the former high-school and in the park at least weekly.
Justin –
– Taking Vacation Thursday and Friday
– John Hackathorn suggested Justin make a S.O.P – step by step – Emergency shut off guide to put up at the water treatment plant with emergency contacts.
Lynley –
– MPO – handout for Council Members, asking them to turn it in at the next council meeting.
Old Business –
– The Lecompton City Council decided to donate the old copy machine to the Lecompton Volunteer Fire Department.
New Business –
– Bill Smith – informed the city council that there is no emergency phone in the elevator in the old high-school. The council requested city clerk Lynley Sanford call Interstate Elevator Company and inquire about requirements/laws and report back to the council.
8:55 pm Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to adjourn the city council meeting. Susie Hackathorn seconded the motion. Vote carries 4 yays, 0 nays.
Lynley Sanford, City Clerk