7:00 P.M. Mayor Mark L. Tunstall brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Mary Jane Hoffer, Jimmy Wilkins, Susie Hackathorn and Elsie Middleton were present. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle was absent, and City Attorney Lee Hendricks arrived about 7:40pm; residents or township citizens: Lori Wilkins, William Smith, Burke Wood, William and Linda Gerdes, Ryan Sparks and Sandy Jacquot
Susie Hackathorn motioned to approve the August 06, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motioned. Vote carried 5 yays, 0 nays
Jimmy Wilkins motioned to approve the bills before the council. Tim McNish seconded the motion. Discussion about what part time help was used for occurred. Vote carried 5yays, 0 nays
Ryan Sparks (Perry, KS) approached the Lecompton City Council, offering his services as a concrete worker. In the event the City of Lecompton was interested in putting in sidewalks/curbs/guttering he would be interested in offering his services. The Council had City Clerk Lynley Sanford take his information.
(Ryan Spark #785-865-6427)
Bob Ming approached the Lecompton City Council interested in holding a free concert in Lecompton. He is a sound guy for 3 bands that play Christian Pop/Southern Rock style music. Performance would occur sometime in the next month. Usually 100 people or less attend, held from 6pm-9pm typically on a Saturday. Power requirements include simple plug into a light pole within 100’ of where the band would be set up. September 22nd potential date using either the Former High School Auditorium or the Lawn just west of the Former High School. Bob Ming is to contact the City Clerk to tour the school and set venue.
Sandy Jacquot – Update on Lecompton PRIDE Committee – on average 50+ hrs. of volunteer hours being given. PRIDE is sending out donation fliers/mailings for former H/S alumni to pledge a certain $ amount or % every month for 1 year. 5 people have already committed to pledging $50/month for the next year.
PRIDE is working on monetary donation requests from other entities as well. Other donations that have been provided include a Refrigerator, Stove and Microwave. Dance and Zumba classes will be starting soon (September). September 15th – BINGO/Chili Feed fundraiser for PRIDE – Free will donation. PRIDE has started a Facebook Page, starting in September meetings will be held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays. This Saturday, work day for PRIDE at former h/s from 8am-1pm.
Bill Smith with PRIDE updated the City Council on A/C units failing and a window in the Auditorium that has some bad dry rot from moisture exposure.
The Lecompton City Council reviewed the A/C bids from 3 different HVAC service providers, and at this time, the Council has decided to table repair work until next spring.
Sandy Jacquot brought up the ability for the City to use KanStep grant money to spend on repairs or various other projects around the City. The City would just have to prove that they would be able to match 40% on the overall cost in “kind service donations”. Jimmy Wilkins and Mary Jane Hoffer are going to talk to people they know that might be able to help/donate time to some of these repairs.
Lynley Sanford – Updates
– Presented Ordinance #810 attesting to an increase in Tax revenues for Budget year 2013 for the City of Lecompton.
Tim McNish motioned to approve Ordinance #810 increasing the tax revenues for Budget year 2013. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion. Motion carries 5 yays, 0 nays
– Announced approval of tax appeal on former h/s building.
– Mike Leming came into the office with 2 ordinance violations complaints. The houses in question had weeds in the ditch over 12” tall. The first home was described as the two story white house directly south of Mike Leming. The second home was the green ranch home to the South of Owen and Tabetha Mallonee.
The City Council said to have the City Superintendent drive by both properties, if the weeds appear to be over 12” tall, then send a letter to the residents.
– Mike Brouhard came into the office with a complaint about a brown dog with a white patch on its chest. It was reported as belonging to Vicky Wells. The City Council has sent a letter dated 8/16/2012
– Presented cost to produce water information to City Council for consideration of water rates.
– Presented a hand drawn sketch as provided by Holly Colbert (440 Whitfield) she would like to build a fence around a portion of her property so her daughter can play outside. City Council didn’t see any reason to disapprove of the fence.
– Dick Hubert – Came into the office with a concern about the Westar Electric Guide wire on 7th Street being too close to the road way. Jimmy Wilkins will take a look at it, to see if anything needs to be done.
Lee Hendricks
– Discussion/review of Burke Wood’s proposal to build a large landscaping rock wall to the east of his property. Through much discussion, the City will maintain its easement and the issue building the large landscaping rock wall will be resolved between property owners.
– Elsie Middleton motions to strike her motion from the August 6th, 2012 meeting regarding having City Attorney Lee Hendricks draft paperwork between the property owners William Gerdes, Burke Wood and the City of Lecompton which was to include easement access and a hold harmless clause. Tim McNish seconds the motion. Vote carries 5 yays, 0 nays
– Furthermore let the record show that an easement exists although the City cannot definitely determine it boundaries, that the city has no issues with a wall being built either in the alley or along the side of it. However, in the event that any time in the future the City decides to use this alley, and the wall is with in the alley, the wall could be required to be removed at the owners cost.
New Business –
– Regarding cost to produce water worksheet – the City Council feels the information should be made available to City of Lecompton residents and that the City should hold a meeting on water rates. Post the back page information in City Hall and the Post Office and make the entire packet available for review at Lecompton City Hall. Also post back page on Lecompton City Website.
Dick Hubert – approached the City Council about using the outdoor park space and shelter, and then having to pay $30 rental fee to use the community building for restrooms. His suggestion was to consider locking the inside door of the community building and charging a lesser fee for those who need to just rent the restrooms. Also, the condition of the CB bathroom – status of their repair – needs updating – Dick also brought up the KPL light pole guide wire that was brought up earlier in the council meeting.
Susie Hackathorn and Mary Jane Hoffer presented a Community Building improvement list, as suggestions for improvements to the building to maintain and do some updating in the near future.
Mayor Mark Tunstall indicated we need curtains or mini blinds for City Hall also
8:50 pm Jimmy Wilkins motioned to adjourn the city council meeting. Tim McNish seconded the motion. Vote carries 5 yays, 0 nays.
Lynley Sanford, City Clerk