May 17, 2010


7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Mark Tunstall, Jimmy Wilkins, Tim McNish, Christie Mallonee, and Jennifer Smith were present. The following were also present: City Clerk Sandy Nichols, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle, City Attorney Lee Hendricks; residents Elsie Middleton, Kevin and Belinda Janes, Carl & Mary K. Bahnmaier, John Hackathorn and Reverend Ken Baker.

Mark Tunstall made a motion to approve the May 3, 2010 minutes. Christy Mallonee seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

It was noted a Pipeline License Agreement with BNSF Railway Company in the amount of $5,000 is included in the bills; $4,000 for the license agreement and $1,000 for blanket insurance.

Jennifer Smith made a motion to approve the bills before them. Mark and Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. Christy made a motion for the mayor to sign the Pipeline License Agreement. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Mayor Roy Paslay made the following appointments: City Treasurer, Tabetha Mallonee; City Accountant, Jim Long; the remaining appointment positions will be the same; City Superintendent, Justin Van Winkle; City Clerk, Sandy Nichols; Utility Officer (council president); electric building permits (mayor), Planning commission Members Betty Corel, Kathy Paslay, Leigh Ann Woody; Newspaper, Lawrence Journal World; City Banks, First State Bank and Trust and Douglas County Bank; Street Department, Tim McNish; Sewer Department, Jimmy Wilkins; Park and Recreation Department, Jennifer Smith; Sanitation Department, Christy Mallonee; Water Department, Mark Tunstall. Christy made a motion to accept the Mayor’s appointments. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

No one was present from the Mobile Lodge Community.

Mr. & Mrs. Janes explained they had tried to get a dumpster a couple of different time and no dumpsters were available at those times. They had been adding extra to the weekly trash pick up. The last of the shingles should be out this week. Several trailer loads of scrap had been hauled off. Trees and brush had been cut down and burned. They were not able to continue working during the winter do to the snows. The council wanted to know how long they needed to complete the clear up. Mr. & Mrs. Janes wanted to know what else needed to be done. They have some aluminum they plan to haul off yet. The city attorney will view the property and send a letter to Mr. & Mrs. Janes asap.

John Hackathorn was present to discuss access to his driveway. Mr. Hackathorn explained he does not have a driveway off a street. His only access is the alley. He was present to request this alley have snow removed when snow exceeds 2 or 3 inches. After discussion the council agreed to have the snow removed in the alley when it is 4 inches or more, after the streets had been cleared.

Wayne Riley called the office to apologize for the use of the hydrant in the Lecompton Elementary School area. New members on the volunteer fire department did not realize they should not use the hydrant. It was noted that additional Saturday trainings are taking place. Justin reported lightning had struck the antenna and radio at the new water plant and we are currently using RWD 3 water. Justin explained the radio communicates between the wells, plant and tower regarding the need to furnish water. Tim McNish reported under what conditions the electrical meter can be pulled when there is a fire. He reported the fire chief had attended a fire chief meeting with discussion regarding pulling of electric meters at a fire. Utility companies will be dispatched when there is a fire call and cancelled if not needed.

Mr. Wells was not present to give the council an update on a tag purchased for a truck. The city clerk is to send a letter requesting information or attendance at next meeting.

Carl Bahnmaier reported 1/3 of the clean up is completed at the property that had a structural fire.
It was reported there was still a need to have an electrical pole, meter box and additional electrical connects installed at the new tower before electrical work can be completed. Davin Electrical had been requested by the engineer to submit an estimate to do this work An estimate of $4,200 was submitted. SKW believed this to be a reasonable estimate. After discussion Mark was requested to contact Superior Electric immediately to receive an estimate for this work to be completed by May 28, 2010. Mr. Tunstall is to give this information to the staff. Jimmy made a motion for the staff to proceed with this process using the lowest bid. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Jennifer Smith requested a maximum of $75 for flowers to be placed in front of the sign in the park. Jimmy made a motion to spend a maximum of $75 for flowers at the sign in the park. Christy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

After discussion Mark agreed to continue to be city council president.

Public Discussion:
Elsie Middleton wanted to know if the Territorial Dates could be placed on the sign coming into town from the south. The Territorial dates are June 25 & 26. Justin said he would do get the dates on the sign.
There was discussion regarding the moisture still in the insulation at the water plant and what process the city can follow to solve this problem. It was reported the contractor is still working with the appropriate people to solve this problem. A representative from Midland is requested to be present at the next meeting. SKW is checking into the possibility of Westar putting up a different transformer at the wells.
Reverend Ken Baker requested the ditch in the 400 & 500 blocks on the west side to be cleaned. The need to clean the ditch on Isacks around the Sanford property needed to be cleaned also. Justin reported he has been cleaning ditches and will continue to clean ditches as the weather permits.
Elsie shared an article from a “Civil War” magazine that included information regarding Lecompton.
Denzil Hacathorn reported he had boarded up the door and windows on the property located at 240 Clark. He wanted to know if this was okay with the council. The council was fine with this as it helps prevent problems; wheels have been removed; cars have been taken out; Mr. Hacathorn requested to leave a boat that he owns on the property. The council approved as long as the boat is currently tag or registered. .

Evaluations/pay rates/health insurance were not discussed.

Job descriptions were reviewed and signed.

The city clerk reported certified letters had been sent to the renters and property owner for 645 E 2nd Street requesting the property be in compliance with city codes regarding violations of the yard. The letters were not claimed. The council requested the city attorney to start procedure toward the property being in compliance with the city codes.

There was discussion regarding the length of council and mayor terms regarding elections. The city attorney will see what other cities are doing.

Compliance of the no smoking ban: no smoking signs are to be in place; employee manual should include no smoking information

There was discussion regarding renewal of a franchise agreement with SCI. This will be taken into consideration at renewal time.

Acct 112: $38.16 utility bill had been applied to tax roll; $19.08 has been collected. Certified letters sent to last know address have not been accepted. The city attorney recommended not sending additional notices and to waive the late charge fees. The council agreed! The city attorney said if mowing is to occur a notice needs to be placed on the door 10 days in advance of mowing. If the city mows they should charge what was charged last year to mow the property.

Justin reported: Banks Construction would be in town this week to continue working. Mark requested Justin to see what the plans are for the road grader that remained on location.
The township might be interested in purchasing the trailer owned by the city that is too small to move the roller.
It has been recommended by SKW a letter be mailed to the schools in town to have their fire water sprinkler systems checked. The city clerk is to send a letter to Lecompton Elementary School and Keystone Learning Center.
There was discussion that part-time city employee Cody Nichols is studying for has CDL license. Justin is to help him with practice driving when there is time and the situation is right.
Steve Korth with Victor L. Phillips had stopped to visit with Justin. Mr. Korth had visited with Mayor Paslay and Tim. Justin wanted to let the council know that he might be contacting them.
Justin had done some ditch cleaning that his equipment was not able to finish cleaning up do to the wet soil. Doug Porter could come in and complete this project before it rains again. The council is okay with this.

The city clerk reported the location for the gate at the north end of the easement to the tower. The council recommended the gate be placed at what appeared to be the best location.

8:55 P.M. Jimmy made a motion to adjourn. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk