7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the meeting to order. Council Members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Christy Mallonee, Bruce Liese, and Ed Smith were present. The following were also present: City Attorney, Lee Hendricks, City Engineer, City Superintendent, Justin Van Winkle; City Clerk, Sandy Nichols. Residents present were: Jimmy and Lori Wilkins, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Bayless, Doug Winfield, and rural resident Jeanne Fries. City Grant Writer, Donna Crawford arrived at approximately 7:40.
Mark Tunstall made a motion to approve the February 19, 2008. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas 0 nays.
Ed Smith made a motion to approve the bills before them. Christy Mallonee seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas and 0 nays.
After discussion regarding locating the water tower approximately 1000 feet south of the Wilkins’s property, Bruce made a motion to approve Tower Location #1 with the city clerk inserting the legal description when available from the City Engineer. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. (legal description received 03/04/08: Beginning at the SE Corner of the West 29 acres of the East 59 acres, thence East 100 feet, North 100 feet, West 100 feet and South to POB, 3-12-18. The construction easement could be: Beginning at the SE corner of the West 29 acres of the East 59 acres, thence East 200 feet, North 200 feet, West 200 feet and South to POB, 3-12-18. The City Attorney will do a title search. The City clerk is to start Special Use Permit Application from Douglas County for tower. $125,000 is the difference in cost for tower of 250,000 gallons versus 150,000 gallon tower. Christy made a motion to proceed with a 250,000 gallon tower. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. The city engineer stated there is a 74’ gap between the two deed descriptions of this property.
Jimmy Wilkins informed the council the Lecompton Ball Association would be having a clean up date at the ball diamond. There are some large rocks that need to be moved. Mr. Wilkins had talked with city employee Doug Wingfield regarding the clean up. Mr. Wingfield offered to donate his time, if he could use the city skid loader to move the rocks for the LBA. Bruce made a motion to allow the Lecompton Ball Association to use the city skid loader with city employee Doug Wingfield as the operator. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
There was discussion regarding a Pipeline License Contract and insurance for BNSF. The City Attorney and the City Engineer had both reviewed the contract. The City Engineer stated the map for the pipeline crossing was incorrect and he had requested a corrected map. The City Attorney recommended when a corrected and approved contract was received the council pay the contract fee of $2528.00 and $1,000 Railroad Protective Liability Insurance fees.
The City Engineer, Kenneth Shetlar, reported we are waiting for KDHE to approve the water plant plans before Rural Development could approve them. Once these approvals have been made, the bids may be let. City Grant Writer, Donna Crawford, stated the environmental review was in place and some of the Indian Nation responses had been received.
Bruce made a motion to waive the CB rental fee for the 2008 year for Farmer’s Market meetings. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Council is all in agreement for the Girl Scouts using the CB March 4 & 5 for Girl Scout Cookies.
Justin reported the following work: broom cleaning of streets do to all the salt/sand on the streets, rocking of alleys; soon he will be cleaning ditches. March 19, 20 (not sure of dates) he and the Mayor are to attend KRWA conference in Wichita. If the mayor is not able to attend should there be an alternate person appointed to vote? Tim made a motion for Justin to be an alternate voter if the mayor is not able to attend. Bruce seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
The council was reminded of Code 1-116, General Penalty.
Communications were presented: LRM – no action taken; Nancy Howard stated concern of truck/trailer in the road and code violations at the residence located at 425 Elmore. Mrs. Howard reported an appraisal of her property was lower because of the code violations. Council Member McNish will talk to Mrs. Howard’s neighbor.
A written complaint was received regarding dog problem was received from Julia Brinkley, 305 Halderman. The City Clerk is requested to mail a letter to the dog owners at 311 Halderman. A letter may be sent to dog owners at 235 Halderman for a dog running loose.
Paul Bahnmaier left information to be shared with the council regarding an article in the Courier Travel Guide. Paul also wanted the council to know the Historical sign on the NE corner of Halderman and Woodson Ave. had been damaged for the second time. Both incidents had been reported to the sheriff. There was discussion regarding a past request for the sign to be moved to be in compliance with our sign ordinances. The council would like Roy and Justin to talk to Paul regarding moving the sign to be in compliance in hopes this might help with the destruction. The current location of the sign limits sight when entering Woodson Ave from the North on Halderman.
The City Clerk is to send a reminder to Brian Kelley and Helen Bates regarding the deadline for demolition of the old trailer.
8:50 P.M. Bruce made a motion to adjourn, Ed seconded, and the vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk