7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Jimmy Wilkins, and Christy Mallonee were present. Jennifer Smith arrived at 8:39. City Superintendent, Justin Van Winkle, City Clerk, Sandy Nichols, and City Treasurer, John Hoffman. Residents present: Lori Wilkins and Bob Jernigan; public representation present: Dave Ross, Don Fuston, Charlene Winter, Phyllis Copt, Steve Schwada, Louis Copt, Jane Eldredge, Willy Shockley, Larry James, Paul Bahnmaier, Lora Funk, and Stan Unruh.
Tim McNish made a motion to approve the April 21 & 28, 2008 minutes. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas and 0 nays.
Christy Mallonee made a motion to pay the bills before them. Mark Tunstall seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas and 0 nays.
Jane Eldredge presented possible plans for development of 155 acres NE of the K-10/Farmer’s turnpike. There will be a meeting with the Douglas County Commissioners Wednesday May 7, 2008 to get approval to be island annexed into the City of Lawrence. Uses for the development will not be known until the property can be rezoned.
Bob Jernigan was present requesting to have someone look at the flooding occurring on his property from a stream that flows through his property. Debris from the stream comes into his yard. The flooding has gotten worse the last two years. Mr. Jernigan has been at this location for 3 years. Mr. Jernigan believes trenching about 2 feet out of the stream and banking it up would help the issue. Mr. Jernigan would like to build a bridge over the stream and not have to drive through the stream to mow on the other side. Mayor Paslay and Superintendent Justin Van Winkle will look at the issue. The sewer line that runs in the vicinity is a concern to Mr. Jernigan.
Public Comments: Paul Bahnmaier expressed concern about K-10 going north of Farmer’s Turnpike across the river. Paul also reported the Historical sign on the west entrance to Lane had been vandalized. Will Shockley stated a 300,000 gallon fire preventive storage on the K-10 development site would be required by the Lawrence city codes. A user of RWD #6 expressed water concerns if the development was built. It was reported RWD#6 has 18 -20 million gallons of water treated by Lawrence per year. Don Fuston stated RWD #6 was not willing to ration water to 300 families for an industrial site. Dave Ross shared information regarding efforts by neighboring citizens to stop the development of the industrial development area of the K-10/Farmer’s Turnpike by-pass. He reported there are 178 families within 1.5 miles of the development acreage. Resident across the road from the development expressed concern of an I-2 zoning, why not an I-1 zoning, same as East Hill development.
No one was present from the Planning Commission.
Legal Service Agreement with Lee Hendricks was signed for the water tower project.
The following appointments were made by Mayor Paslay: City Clerk, Sandra K. Nichols; City Treasurer, John E. Hoffman; City Accountant, Dave Bogner; City Attorney, Lee Hendricks; Utility Hearing Officer, City Council President Mark Tunstall; Planning Commission Members Paul Maline and Jeff Robertson; Newspaper, Lawrence Journal World; City Banks, Douglas County State Bank and First State Bank and Trust; Street Department, Tim McNish; Sewer Department, Jimmy Wilkins; Park and Recreation Department, Jennifer Smith; Sanitation Department, Christy Mallonee; Water Department, Mark Tunstall. Mark made a motion to accept the Mayor’s appointments. Jimmy seconded the motion and the vote passed.
Justin: There is an outstanding bill for water meter reimbursement. After discussion Jimmy made a motion for a letter to be sent stating if not paid by May 19, 2008 the bill will be turned over to the City Attorney for collection and all cost incurred by the city will be applied to the billing. Christy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. There was discussion regarding ditch work that had been completed on E 7th Street and work that need to be completed. After discussion of work that needs to be completed yet, Jimmy made a motion to complete both sides of E 7th Street from Nally’s west to Jimmy Wilkins’s east entrance on to his property. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed. Nally’s and Tim McNish’s mail boxes are in the ditch which is in the way of cleaning and maintaining the ditch area. The council recommends contacting the USPS to request the mailboxes be permanently moved out of the ditch. After discussion regarding redoing Elmore Street between Woodson Avenue and 3rd Street it was noted a tube on the south end needs to be replaced under the street. There is no tube on the north end of the street and one should be placed there. Clark Street with not be chip and sealed until after the new water plant is completed. They are surveying at the new water plant location today. Repair needs to be done on the driveway into Lane.
Belinda Janes requested trash pickup at 410 Woodson, property owned by her mother, Betty Wood. After discussion Jimmy made a motion to call Ms. Wood for acknowledgment that she will be responsible for the trash bill and water will not be turned on unless account is up to date in payments. Christy seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, and 0 nays.
Richard Nichols was present to request permission to bury his step-son on property he owns that is zoned agricultural. It has been approved by the county. After discussion Mark made a motion to approve the burial if done according to state regulations. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. City Clerk is to contact City Attorney to see if there are any requirements for this information to be added to property title or deed.
It was reported the Fire Station at the K-10 Bypass was destroyed.
Sandy: It was reported the owner of the property where the water tower would like to be placed has been identified. A draft of a Water Pollution Control Permit has been issued by KDHE. CD renewal will be for 1 year at Douglas County bank and the CD at First State Bank will renew for 182 days. Special Meeting notices will be placed as follows: Jenn – west side door; Jimmy – front door; Christy – garage door; SM Ball requested to have the bulk trash pickup date changed to June 21 or to use dumpsters June 14 do to Father’s Day on June 15. After discussion the council approved leaving the tire pickup on June 14 and moving the bulk trash pickup to June 21. The city clerk is to place notices up at the post office, city hall and the park sign. Code 15-405 for trash containers was read. Farmer’s Market may use the city’s trash container. Kelley working on clean up. Lohman’s brush has not been burned. No report regarding retaining wall bids.
9:15 PM Mark made a motion to go into executive session to discuss matters of non-elected personnel for pay rates of employees and to resume in 15 minutes, (9:30 PM). Jennifer seconded the motion.
9:30 PM regular meeting resumed. Mark made a motion to increase Justin’s pay to $16.00 per hour and Sandy’s to $13.11 per hour. John’s rate will be reviewed after his probation period.
It was recommended to utilize the part-time help less.
9:39 P.M. Jimmy made a motion to adjourn. Jennifer seconded, and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk