March 9, 2009 PC

NOTES Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission Monday March 9, 2008 7:00pm Call to Order: There was not a quorum so we did not call to order. Roll call: Present: Jeff Robertson, Mary Jane Hoffer, Betty Corel Absent: Steve Cretsinger, Darby Lohrding, Kim Richter, Paul...

March 9, 2009

March 9, 2009 LECOMPTON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES 6:02 P.M. Council President Mark Tunstall brought the Lecompton City Council special meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Jimmy Wilkins, Christy Mallonee, Jennifer Smith and Tim...

March 2, 2009

March 2, 2009 LECOMPTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the Lecompton City Council regular meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Jimmy Wilkins, Christy Mallonee, Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, and Jennifer Smith were...

February 17, 2009

February 17, 2009 LECOMPTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 7:04 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the Lecompton City Council regular meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Jimmy Wilkins, Christy Mallonee, Mark Tunstall, and Tim McNish were present....

February 9, 2009 PC

NOTES Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission Tuesday February 9, 2008 7:00pm Call to Order: There was not a quorum so we did not call to order. Roll call: Present: Jeff Robertson, Paul Maline, Betty Corel Absent: Steve Cretsinger, Darby Lohrding, Kim Richter, Mary...